Monday, April 20, 2009

Support free speech for a free and prosperous Fiji!


Members of PFF Pacific Freedom Forum have launched a call for solidarity for anyone who believes, as we do, that free speech is the cornerstone to growth and prosperity, to sign our petition supporting freedoms of speech in Fiji.

Signing the petition is open to members of the media - and anyone else who supports freedoms of speech in Fiji - a hub and centre for regional agencies working for nations and people of the Pacific.

As announced last week by PFF, the petition "Support Free Speech for a Prosperous Fiji" is aimed at all Pacific Islands leaders, not just those in Fiji.

The plan is to collect as many signatures as possible as part of our PFF campaigns to celebrate World Press Freedom Day on May 3, 2009.

The theme of WPFD this year is especially appropriate celebrating the role of the media, promoting cultures of mutual understanding and diversity.

Signing the petition is a reminder for regional leaders when debating options for the troubled republic - that freedoms of speech are fundamental to futures of any successful society - not an optional extra.

To view the petition and sign on, click here

Please forward this information as widely as possible!